A Brief History of the Town of Pinewood, South Carolina is a collection of 21 essays collected and assembled by C.L. Griffin, Sr and first printed July, 1967. It not only gives the history of the town from 1866, when the railroad came through, but also includes interesting information of days gone by and about many of Pinewood’s then prominent citizens. The essays are written based on the memories of six citizens and should be taken as such. Even if your memories of these past events are different and you find a few errors, it gives an interesting glimpse of the history of Pinewood and its first citizens.
A Brief History of the Town of Pinewood South Carolina, “Essays of Pinewood, SC”
Materials collected & assembled by C.L. Griffin Sr. 1st print July 1967, 2nd Print Aug 2018. Laminated Spiral bound 151 pages $15.00 + $6.00 S&H