The Illustrated Recollections of Potter’s Raid, April 5-21, 1865


The Illustrated Recollections of Potter’s Raid, April 5-21, 1865; 662 pages, Softcover. Edited with an introduction and notes by Allan D Thigpen, 5th printing Sumter County Genealogical Society 2017, $40.00 + $7.00 S&H



In April of 1865, the war between the states was in its last days, however it was just becoming a stark reality for the Sumter, Clarendon, Williamsburg, and Kershaw Districts of South Carolina.

The last organized incursion into South Carolina, was Potter’s Raid, which swept through a previously undisturbed region and into the annals of history. Events of this invasion include the death of the last Union officer to die in battle, the destruction of the largest ammunition train to be captured during the entire four years of the war, the last battlefield action in the state of South Carolina, and many other “firsts” and “lasts”.

Fully illustrated, this is the first full length volume devoted entirely to Potter’s Raid.