Historical Sketches of Sumter County Vol II


Historical Sketches of Sumter County, Volume II, by Cassie Nicholes, Hardbound 672 pages, published 1981, PURCHASE LIMIT, TWO PER PERSON OR ORGANIZATION $30.00 + $8.00 S&H


Historical Sketches of Sumter County, Vol. II is not a sequel to the first volume published in 1975 but rather it contains additional sketches of persons, families, churches, homes, organizations, old businesses, etc. that date into the past history of Sumter County. These sketches were published in The Sumter News over the period extending from 1967 to 1981. Therefore some of the earlier ones do not contain current information.

Sketches contained herein are what the name implies. They do not claim to give all information on a subject. They only pinpoint some of the highlights concerning each subject treated.